Saturday, August 25, 2007

Venice Mayor in Solidarity With Pegah; Sit-In Monday at UK Embassy in Rome

Dear Friends and Supporters of Pegah:
You probably are already aware of all the news on Pegah coming out of Italy today, starting with the mayor of Venice declaring his solidarity with her, the announcement of a sit-in protest at the British embassy in Rome on Monday, and that she is the subject of many mainstream news stories. Click here to see some of the articles.
But in case you are not aware of these developments in Italy, I'm linking to Google's opening page for Italian news, where articles about Pegah and a photo of her appear.
Click here to read about Venice's mayor offering support to Pegah, maybe him, I believe, the first non-British politician to offer solidarity like this.

I am hopeful that the activist efforts and dozens of news accounts in Italy over the weekend, coupled with lots and lots of blogs posting information on Pegah and people from around the world sending letters to UK immigration officials, will secure a positive outcome to Pegah's appeal for asylum.

This is what appeared on Google's Italian news page today:

Sit-in, lunedì, per Pegah Emambakhsh a Roma
L'Unità - 9 ore fa
Il volo che dovrebbe riportarla nel suo Paese è già stato deciso: la partenza è fissata per martedì 28 agosto alle 21,35 ora inglese (volo British Airways numero BA6633). Il governo britannico, infatti, ha negato l'asilo a Pegah Emambakhsh, ...
Londra espelle la lesbica iraniana La Stampa
Pegah, rischia lapidazione perchè lesbica Barimia
La Repubblica - Il Messaggero - GayNews - L'Opinione
e altri 40 articoli simili »

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