Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Stars & Stripes: No Computerized Logistics for US-Trained Iraqi Army

Good thing I have a doctor's prescription for medical marijuana and can find reason to laugh about what I'm about to tell you, because if I couldn't guffaw over this news from Iraq, I'd damn well be a screaming queen.

While reading the quasi independent Stars & Stripes publication tonight, I thought a story from Iraq with a very loose connection to funnyman Dave Chappelle might give a chuckle or two. It did, but not because of anything to do with the comedian.

No, what made me laugh was this passage, emphasis added:

Chappelle has a connection to Iraq thanks to Maj. Mondrey McLaurin, the U.S. Military Transition Team (MiTT) adviser for the 9th Iraqi Division’s Logistics and Administration Battalion.

McLaurin and his team of nine soldiers advise one of the three logistics battalions currently in the Iraqi army.

The big problem facing the battalion, McLaurin said, is that “requisition and documentation is throwing everything off. We think we know the plan to get requests from battalion to brigade to division,” but as soon as they try the system, someone tells them the system works differently, he said.

Since the Iraqi logistics system isn’t computerized, everything has to be requested using a standard paper form McLaurin calls a “101,” which lists the item, its price and the number requested.

That’s where Chappelle comes in.

The Iraqis were having some issues filling out and keeping track of the 101 forms.
At the same time, the MiTT soldiers had accidentally received an order of 100 boxes of yellow, instead of white, printer paper.

Oh, just an eff-ing great war, Mr. George W. Bush, and the execution of it, too!

Almost four years into the Iraq quagmire, and with no end in sight to the insurgents' civil war and attacks on US troops, and after billions and billions of America taxpayer dollars have been poured into the sand traps of Iraq, the world's sole superpower, one with limitless computer, web and information resources, and several industries to deal with logistics systems, Bush and his military operation are unable to provide a computerized logistics system to an Iraqi battalion.

Gee, it gives me great comfort to know at this point that the Iraqi armed forces we are training, arming and equipping is back in the dead trees era. Maybe I should relish the idea that at least they're not in the stone age, having to chisel requests into granite. Not!

One more reason to laugh: Bush, like a village idiot shoveling good money after bad into a bottomless hole, is requesting billions more for his Iraq war.

Click here to read the full Stars & Stripes article.

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