Tuesday, March 16, 2004

If you saw tonight’s prime time Fox News show with Brit Hume, you already know he reported on the FEC files of New York Times reporters and staff members. For those of you who missed the “Political Grapevine” segment by Hume, here’s a transcript of what he said about Times reporters, the Sulzbergers and who they gave to.


March 16, 2004
Fox News
Special Report with Brit Hume

The New York Times recently banned employees from giving to political causes, saying such contributions could “feed a false impression that the paper is taking sides."

But over the past two decades, dozens of Times staffers have made political donations totaling over $43,000.

What’s more, more than nearly $42,000 went to Democratic candidates and liberal causes, while just over $1,400 went to Republicans.

Times shareholder Michael Petrelis turned up the donations and also found that the paper’s owners, the Sulzberger family, had given over $38,000 to Democrats and $6,000 to Republicans.

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